Monday, April 18, 2011

A personal Response to war

Task 1: Descriptive Setting
"Get down!" The scream of the commander was barely heard over the fusillade of gunshots, which suddenly appeared from a calm atmosphere. Used to the command, all threw themselves to the ground around the destroyed buildings. All around, the metal foils were one by one riddled with bullet holes, and crumpled to the ground. The familiar smell... the smell of fresh blood was everywhere. Falling to the ground, the smell of the fresh blood was ever stronger. The soldiers felt the cold and soft feeling of the soil. They cleared it of all other debris and made it comfortable, lest it become their permanent resting place, and their blood would soon soak through the soil.

Task 2: Diary Entry
Dear Diary,
We fought again today. The Germans fought brutally, spraying bullets everywhere they saw a shadow move. We fought back too, with our commander taking the lead. However, our commander got wounded in the arm from a bullet shot, but continued fighting bravely, calling on us to move forth and not give up. I truly admire his patriotic and loyal stand for his country, that he would fight to the death.
I was 17 when I joined this war, and now I'm 19. At such a young age, I have seen horrible things that would frighten a more mature man to death. One such horror took place earlier in today's war. Due to the rain, water had pilled up along the location we were fighting. It was so slippery, when fighting I fell into a puddle of blood. Real, fresh blood. I was so shocked I nearly screamed out loud. Such horrors I have endured for almost 3 years.
War is a crime against humanity. I have heard great success stories about certain soldiers risking their lives for the country, but generally, war is a crime. War is murder. War kills the exact citizens we are trying to protect. I am praying for this living hell to be over soon. I hope that, in the generation of my children, we will no longer need to endure such a horrible fate just for this statement "Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori". Nobody would enjoy this kind of fearful, dog life.

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