Thursday, February 17, 2011

My favourite character

We have gone through the story "To Kill A Mockingbird". Now, I would like to introduce my favourite character to you- Atticus Finch.

I am sure that all my classmates feel that Atticus is the most respectable, down-to-earth, polite character. The story shows all his aspects of his qualities, and portrays him as a loving, caring father.

Firstly, he is very polite to everyone. For example, he still greets Mrs Dubose extremely politely, despite her insults and disregards towards him. Such qualities are rare, and difficult to find. Many people would just ignore those who insult and disregard them, and even fall out with them. Thus such a trait of Atticus is very significant in the story; he possesses humility.

Secondly, he is loving, and caring to all, and with compassion. For example, in the courtroom, knowing Mayella Ewell would be hysterical and exasperated, he tried to calm her down. He also expresses the sympathy he feels for Mayella Ewell. Also, another illustration was that even though he was so good at shooting, he rarely ever shot, but when he does, it is because he really needs to, and not for fun.

Thirdly, he had a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Despite the outcry against him for defending a black man, Tom Robinson, he carries on his work, and ignores the insults thrown at him, such as "nigga-lover". He is also unbothered by the fact that a lynch mob might attack him.

Lastly, Atticus possesses this trait I admire the most; he dares to stand out from among others. It was, in a way, a scandal to defend a black man at that time. But Atticus stood firm, as he believed in the truth of the matter; Tom Robinson was innocent. In today's world, everyone wants to be like anyone else; following the trends, doing what others do. Atticus didn't; he stood out prominently and tried his best to defend Tom Robinson. That is why I admire him the most.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Wen Hong,

    Essentially I felt you have captured most of Atticus' traits, but for the last trait, I feel that it should be his COURAGE. Atticus has the courage to challenge the taboo of that time, he had the courage to be different, he had the courage to challenge seemingly impossible odds. All these take exceptional courage, which is hardly found in the past or even today. This, in my opinion, is Atticus' most important trait, and I felt that you should have elaborated more on it instead of giving brief examples. Maybe you should have explained more on the other traits as well, to give the reader a clearer image on why you chose Atticus as your favourite character. However, all in all, good job, Wen Hong! Keep it up! :)

