Sunday, February 20, 2011


I would like to discuss on the topic of superstitions today.

The definition of superstition, according to the Longman Dictionary is: a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky, or that they cause events to happen, based on old ideas of magic.

Firstly, let us start with the word "belief". A belief is just something people belief in, not proven to be true. Also, personally, I do not believe in many of the superstitions that I know. Some people have claimed in stories about superstitions such as getting a cut behind their ears for pointing their finger at the moon, but I question the beliefs that they have.

Next, let us move on to "lucky or unlucky". When you are lucky, something good befalls you, but when you are unlucky, something bad happens to you. I half agree with this statement. Almost all the superstitions I know of are unlucky. For example, an old Chinese Supersition goes like this: For a woman to strike an animal during their pregnancy period would cause the baby to look like the animal. That would be extremely horrible. I do not even know how an ant looks like, but I am sure it would be an ugly face. To avoid killing an animal for nine months would be extremely tough. I feel that one should live like as it is in a happy-go-lucky manner. Most of the superstitions are unlucky, and I feel that one would be extremely worried and pessimistic about life if they keep worrying about these superstitions.

On a lighter note, here are examples of superstitions that amuse me the most:

If you cut an apple in half and count the number of seeds inside, you will hence know the number of children you will have.

This is similar to going by the dice. If you take 2 apples and count the number of seeds in each, you will probably get a different number for each. What do you do then? Do you take the average?

If you dream of running, you will soon have a big change in your life.

Honestly, I do not aim to insult anybody, but personally the only dreams I can remember running in were to hand in homework to the staff room and to find a toilet. Fortunately in my dream, I was unable to find the toilet or I would have urinated in my pants.

Before traveling a person should, apparently, sit on their luggage.

Personally, I would not risk breaking my luggage before travelling.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Wen Hong,

    I have read your blog post and have some comments to make about it.

    Firstly, instead of providing a complete description of superstition (which seems to be taken from Wikipedia), you could instead show the meaning of superstition by providing an example and letting the reader infer.

    Next, I also felt that there is a difference between "superstition" and "luck". I would define "superstition" as something that cannot be explained in nature or science, whilst "luck" would simply refer to the probability of something occurring. I don't think it's appropriate to define superstition as "unlucky", but rather unlucky or harmful to the believer. Luck is also very abstract, everyone thinks it's good to have it, but when the tables turn against them, they start pushing the blame around.

    Lastly, I feel that it would also be interesting to input some of the superstitions you had when you were young, and the reason you (still) or do not believe in them.

    Final Note: You spelled the word "believe" in line 5 as "belief". "Superstition" was also spelled wrongly as "supersition".
