Thursday, August 18, 2011

Photo of bag-carrying ambassador charms China

I refer to the article: "Photo of bag-carrying ambassador charms China"(

This article shows a photo of Gary Locke, the first Chinese-American ambassador to China, and a former governor of Washington state. The photo shows him paying for his own coffee. After this photo was posted on Sina-Weibo, it generated 40000 reposts and thousands of comments.

The huge response meant that it was something that we probably do not see often, if not at all. Officials, despite how low ranking they are, will still have a personal assistant to serve them coffee; therefore it was very surprising that the Chinese-American ambassador was buying his own drink.

Doing their own "dirty work" without the help of an assistant seems to portray a humble image in many leaders. If I imagined President Obama was in the White House, in his room, and was hungry and wanted to eat, what would I expect him to do? Would I expect him to drive alone to a hawker centre to eat? Of course not. Instead, I would expect him to pick up the phone on his desk and call for an assistant to get him some food. Such is our impression of leaders; they always have someone to help them get what they want, in which they can just sit around and wait for their orders to arrive. As such, Gary Locke buying his own drink resulted in such a large amount of response; it was something that people hardly see.

After this incident, I am sure Gary Locke's popularity will increase, as people enjoy having a leader, or a high ranking official that can empathize with them. For example, a while ago, there was a picture of then new Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew taking the public bus. People were impressed and started showing their support for Minister Lui Tuck Yew. They were happy with having a minister that could actually empathize with their daily lifestyle, such as taking bus.

However, I would like to say to leaders: Do not "do your own dirty work" just for the sake of your image. Do it only if you really want to. Many people have also said that Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew is just putting on an act to get the support of citizens. Whether or not it really is remains to be seen. Of course, I feel that leaders should do it only from the bottom of their heart; what comes from the bottom of one's heart reflect one's true character.

Pair jailed in inciting disorder in England

I refer to the article: "Two jailed for inciting disorder"(

Two men made use of facebook to incite disorder in England. The first man, Jordan Blackshaw, created a facebook event named "Smash Down Northwich Town", and the other man, Sutcliffe-Keenan, set up a facebook page titled "Let's have a riot in Latchford".

We can see in this example that the impact of social-networking sites are not to be underestimated. In social-networking sites, such as twitter, facebook and so on, people can connect with others. People can also, regardless of their age, meet up together and unite. If used for a noble cause it can be very beneficial, but when used in situations such as inciting disorder, the consequences would be dire.

One person alone is not enough to start a riot. It will have to take many people with the same ideas or ideologies to unite and come together in order to start a riot. Social-networking sites is one such place where they could unite. Perhaps there are individuals in various parts of the world with an ideology, who feel that there is a need to do a certain thing, but they feel they cannot do it because they are alone. However, after connecting with many other people all over the world through social-networking sites, they will realize and say:"Hey! I am not alone! There are so many people out there with the same thinking as me!" Then, these group of people, will now come together and discuss what they want to do. My guess is that this is one of the starting points of the whole of the England Riots.

The police are fearful of a mass gathering in real life as they know that riots and other forms of trouble could arise from there. However, they do not know that such a mass gathering need not take place in real life anymore: everyone has gone online nowadays.

Once again, I reiterate my stand that social-networking sites are a very powerful tool in connecting people. When put to good use, it can be beneficial, but when used improperly, will result in disasters.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I refer to the article "SMRT Bishan depot breached, train vandalized" )

On Wednesday morning, a northbound MRT train was found vandalized; graffiti was discovered on the train, and it was immediately pulled out of service. Checks later revealed a breach in the fence of the depot where the train was parked. This is the second time in two years which a train has been vandalized.

However, I do not understand the aims of these people vandalizing MRT trains. What do they do this for? Are they doing this out of mischief, because they thought it was fun, or are they just trying to impress their friends that they are capable of such things?

To all vandals: are you sure you want to do this? The punishment enforced by the Singapore Government is large: a jail term of 3 years, or a fine of $2000 and between 3 and 8 strokes of the cane. Let me just tell you: it hurts. There are many criminals, after getting caught for various crimes, who say: "Give me as long in jail as you want, just spare me the cane." They know it is extremely painful, such that it is even to the extent of torture. So, would you risk getting into such pain, just for the sake of impressing your friends, or just for a moment of fun?

Of course, I feel that SMRT should step up its security, and prevent such a thing from happening again. Such things causes inconvenience to passengers going to and fro about Singapore. Many of us depend on MRT trains to travel about. Every MRT train can hold about 1000 people at the maximum, thus every train is important.

Generally, I urge all vandals: think of the consequences before you act. I also urge SMRT: prevention is better than cure.

Male Celebrities crossdressing at NDP

As we all know, National Day Parade (NDP) 2011 comprised of a skit, in which we see Gurmit Singh and Chua En Lai crossdressing to act as females in the skit. This has attracted a lot of comments from Singaporeans.

I feel that, male Singaporean actors acting as females in NDP, is extremely unacceptable. This is an event that is being viewed not just by Singaporeans, but by people all over the world. When they see and find out that the so called "female" actors on stage are actually male, what will they think of Singapore? Will they think of Singapore as a "gay country"?

NDP is a time to show off the might of the country, to show everyone what we can achieve and have achieve. The skit is also meant to characterize the typical Singaporean, thus adding fun to the NDP. However, I am sure a large part of Singaporeans would not like to be characterized by 2 "homosexual" actors on NDP! I feel that this decision to cast Gurmit Singh and Chua En Lai as female actors on the NDP stage significantly damaged the National Day Mood that day.

Of course, many people may think that this demonstrates Singapore's liberal attitude towards homosexuality. However, I ask you; is there any country whose statue, representation or avatar demonstrates homosexuality? I think not. Even countries that openly support homosexuality would not display it very outwardly towards other countries. Nothing wrong with homosexuality, but in this case, when this show is screened to all Singaporeans, it seems like an advertisement to become homosexual even.

I feel that NDP 2011 could have been better. NDP this time displayed poor taste on the organizers part. I hope they ask for the public's opinions on what would be a good NDP before they organize it.

Who really won?

Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011, when US Navy SEALS stormed the compound he was living in and killed him in a gunfight. This was a significant victory; everyone came out of their homes to celebrate his death.

However, recently there was an article ( ). 10 years after the horrible 9/11 attacks, who actually won: America or Osama Bin Laden? 

Most people feel that America lost. Some reasons why include the problematic Iraq War, homeland security, and other issues. And yes, there is substantial evidence that bin Laden got what he wanted. After the 9/11 attacks, bin Laden predicted that America would be involved in a war that would result in financial problems, a loss of credibility and loss of individual rights. And yes, these problems are already starting to show. Some people even interpret it in this way: bin Laden wanted to destroy America, yes, but he knew he could not do it himself, or even with Al- Qaeda. 9/11 was the pave the way for America's self destruction.

However, I have my own opinion about this matter. America is fighting a war, in this case, with terrorists. And, we know this famous quote: "No one wins a war." Yes, there can never be gain in a war. What is the most precious thing in all of the universe? A human life. None of the riches in the world can replace a human life. No matter how much gains a country can make from fighting a war, the end result is always casualties and loss of lives. Perhaps terrorists groups feel they have won because they treasure the aim of their mission more than others, and it does not matter to them that they lost a brother or a close friend in the course of this mission. However, I maintain my stand that a life is the most precious thing in the world, nothing else can compensate for it.

So, my conclusion once again: nobody won, neither the terrorists nor America.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The History of China and its impacts in a nutshell

As of late, China has been coming up with all sorts of moral issues; firstly the baby milk powder case, where melamine was included in the milk powder, resulting in the deaths of many babies from kidney stones. A while later, we hear of the case of a boy selling his kidney to buy an iPad 2. It has been said that his health is deteriorating day by day. Most recently, we have a case of a woman in China trying to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4. Of course, we have the human rights cases that have been going on in China from the start; examples include the Falun Gong series.

As to why so many immoral issues spring up from China, I have a few speculations. Though they may be slightly far fetched, it is still a plausible reason to China's present predicament. I would like to share them with you today.

As we all know, China has a long history of almost 5000 years. At a point in China's history, we had the Tang Dynasty, which was considered to be a high point in China Civilization, a golden age of cosmopolitan culture, territory, and population. It surpassed all other dynasties, even the famous Han Dynasty. The moral values of the Chinese were at its greatest in that time. Many famous and great Chinese Emperors also came from that point. 

The fall of the Tang Dynasty came in AD 907. From here, we now fast forward to the first time China was conquered and ruled by a foreign power. In AD 1271, the Mongolians, led by leader Kublai Khan, conquered and ruled China in the Yuan Dynasty. Somewhere along the Yuan Dynasty, the people in China (still mainly the traditional Chinese) were forced to transit from Confucian high culture to Mongolian imperial establishment. In other words, they were forced to give up their moral values, to end their beliefs on Confucius values and take after the Mongols. All those that refused were killed, and many refused. They were all killed. This was the first step in China losing its moral values.

Since the end of Yuan Dynasty till before present day China, it has been attacked many times by foreign powers, often losing, and having to give pieces of land away. This was especially the case after the Opium Wars. As such, China has been seen as weak. China is seen as a country that is easy to bully. As such, they are literally bullied mercilessly. Bit by bit, the culture of China has eroded.

It would be alright if the citizens of China were just the same as any other countries' citizens. However, that is not the case because:

Imagine China as a person. A person that is mercilessly bullied. The after effects of bullying are not to be underestimated. They will have low self esteem. This person who is bullied so horribly will have problems later on in life. 

Take that and apply it to China now. I am not surprised, after suffering so much since the start of the Yuan Dynasty, that so many moral issues occur.

Another side point:

As we know, Japan is considered one of the best societies in the world now; their culture, philosophy and tradition are very well recognized in the world, and many countries aim to emulate this. For example, a scandal in any country is seen as something small, but to the Japanese, it could mean the whole world. Many of the people involved in scandals would step down and resign.

While researching, I discovered another interesting fact. Japan and its allies attacked China in AD 663, during the time of the Tang Dynasty. However, they fought and lost to Japan, resulting in a total failure. Following that, Japan underwent a widespread reform, to adopt the Tang Dynasty political structure, bureaucracy, culture, religion and philosophy. All these were adopted during the period of the Tang Dynasty, which was the high point of Chinese Civilization. All these cultures have not changed for over 13 centuries; the Japanese have never been forced to give up their methods of civilization.

In other words, the culture that Japan has today is a proportionate representation of the civilization in the Tang Dynasty. As such, Japan is seen as one of the best societies in the world.

Looking back, it seems that both China and Japan had the same high point - the civilization of the Tang Dynasty. Japan managed to maintain it. However, China was ravaged by war, and conquered at many points to the extent that it lost most of the original Tang philosophies and cultures. We can see the significant difference between China and Japan today.

The past will affect the present. However, no matter how much one tries to change the past, one cannot. It seems like the problems going on in China will continue to last for quite a long while.

England Riots

The start of the England Riots came in response to mainly the death of Mike Duggan, who was killed by police. In addition to that, the rioters were rioting about the economic crisis, resulting in poverty and unemployment. The initially peaceful protest soon turned into a violent riot, with much destruction throughout Britain.

I feel the actions of these violent rioters are the cause of what we term "ethical egoism". These rioters burned and looted shops and houses. They were doing it out of spite, out of anger, just to appease themselves. The actions of these rioters would ultimately result in a even greater economic crisis.

Let us take the death of Mike Duggan as an example: the rioters seek justice for this man, who is believed by many to be wrongfully killed. There are many conflicting views in this case; perhaps we will never know what actually went on that day he was killed, but let us assume Mike Duggan was really wronged in this case:
You seek justice for Mike Duggan, but when you get the justice you want through such means, how will you provide justice to those injured or killed in the riot? Apologies if this is rude, but I would really like to say this: Would you risk the lives of many just to save one life? Of course not! Then why can't you do it in this case; instead that in this case the one life is replaced by justice? 

I would like to say this to the rioters of England: Why are you doing this? Why are you rioting as such when you know that it will produce nothing good but even more trouble? Many of you are just creating more problems when solving a problem, and probably you do not even realize it yourself. I hope that you reflect on yourselves: remember your aim in mind. Do not let your heart rule your head.

Truly, I am sure many of the youths in England do not even know how the riot was started, or maybe even the aim of the riot. They are just joining the riot because it is fun, or because many of their friends are. This we call  "sheep thinking".

Foreign woman who insults Singaporeans

In a reply to MP Penny Low's apology for her actions, a foreign woman posted an extremely rude comment criticizing Singaporeans. She stated that we were moronic, incompetent, etc. Many Singaporeans are unhappy with this, and authorities are now looking into the matter.

Of course, this remark posted by the foreigner definitely went across the line. I feel insulted myself. However, in her comments she wrote about a few aspects that made me think, and I would like to talk about them.

Two main aspects:

  1. She claims we are "incompetent" , because foreigners can come to Singapore and steal our jobs at anytime.
  2. She said we have a lack of patriotism and loyalty. We don't want to serve NS. (She said it sarcastically.)
I shall now state my thoughts.

Singapore is filled with over 40% of foreigners. These foreigners are just as capable as we are, and the government makes Singapore attractive to these foreigners by allowing them almost as much benefits as us Singaporeans. The main reason why the Singapore government wants to do so is because these foreigners accept much less pay compared to us Singaporeans ourselves. As such, with the reduction in pay required, there will be more economic progress.

Now, suppose we take two workers. One is a local Singaporean. One is a foreigner, say perhaps, from India. Both have similar qualifications and similar capabilities. Who do you think is the preferred choice?
I say to you: it is the foreigner. The foreigner demands less pay compared to a Singaporean.

Does it make us incompetent? I think not. This foreigner, Rachelle Ann Beguia, please do think about this.

The next point. We have a lack of patriotism and loyalty to Singapore. Let me now state my opinion for this reason.

How can a person have a sense of loyalty and patriotism to Singapore? The most important thing is to feel at home in Singapore. If Singaporeans truly feel at home in Singapore, they will be loyal and patriotic.
However, how do we feel at home with over 40% of Singapore's population being foreigners? How do so many of Singaporeans feel at home, when they cannot get HDB flats, a house for themselves in Singapore, just because foreigners get them first? How to feel at home in Singapore when I cannot even find a place to live myself?

These two reasons she gave, was to support the claim that Singaporeans were not as good, or competent as foreign workers. However, primarily I feel this backfired - I hope my elaboration shows how these problems, in the end, are caused by foreigners.

Every country has foreigners. Foreigners are beneficial to all societies. However, in exceeding numbers, foreigners can actually have a negative impact on a country. 40% is definitely too much.

I urge the Singaporean government to reduce the number of foreigners in Singapore. Only then can we instill national pride, get jobs, and maybe also prevent another "Rachelle Ann Beguia" from coming to insult Singaporeans again.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

NTU valedictorian Trinetta Chong

You might have seen, NTU valedictorian Trinetta Chong, uttered a vulgarity, which we all know as the "f-word". At the end of her speech, she said "We f*cking did it!"
Immediately, the Auditorium exploded into rapturous applause, from both the teachers and the students.

This issue has received both positive and negative remarks from Singaporeans. Some feel that the NTU grad should not have made such remarks about her, whereas some applaud her bravery for saying the "f-word" in front of such a large audience.

Now I begin with my stand.
Whether or not she should have said so depends on the audience she was trying to reach out to. We know in this situation that she was addressing her fellow batchmates, those of her age. She was one of them. She knew them best. Speaking to a crowd that were generally "tolerant" of such language, I feel that it was perfectly alright.

And if you watch the video closely, you would have realized that even many of the professors, many of them a  generation apart, clapped along with the many students, showing their approval of such language.

Finally, what Trinetta Chong said - emotions were high, and thus in a fit of excitement, she said the word. I feel that this is perfectly alright, again. It was her graduation, the almost biggest thing in her life, and I feel that she should say what she felt most at ease with. As she said in her speech, she had f*cking done it. She had graduated.

Finally, to all conservative people, if you are offended, do not worry: she has apologized. However, I do not feel her apology is necessary; she never meant to address a conservative crowd in the first place.

The Oslo Attacks

About a month ago, Anders Behring Breivik planted a bomb outside a government building, killing 8 people, and later shot and killed 69 people at a youth camp. The reason given for this was that he wanted to stop Muslims from coming to Europe.

In my opinion, this is simply another act of terrorism. Breivik is just another terrorist. The only thing that makes him stand out is that he is a "Christian terrorist". Most terrorists in the world are of Islamic belief, whereas he is opposed to Muslims. This makes him stand out.

However, this is a very dangerous thing. Before this incident, we only had Islamic terrorism. However, Breivik's actions could possibly become the "starting point" for "Christian terrorism" - a form of terrorism that is opposed to Islamic terrorism. If these two forms of terrorism go on, perhaps it might ultimately result in World War 3.

Perhaps I am thinking too far, but this is a point to consider.

Another debatable topic would be his penalty. Despite having killed 77 people altogether, he might just escape death penalty due to Norway's abolishment of the death penalty in peacetime. Many people say that an exception should be made to put him to death. However, I disagree with it. A law is a law. Norway would not be giving Breivik proper justice if they chose to put him to death.

I am sure that Norway will begin to work more on its security standards. The fact that Breivik managed to plant a bomb outside a government building shows the lack of security in Norway. To prevent such incidents from happening, all countries should tighten their security.

Lastly, to all people: do not be daunted by these acts of terrorism. Do not fear, do not cower. To do so is to show the terrorists that they have won. Their aim is "terror". We must stand strong, in retaliation to the terrorists. To stand strong, is to tell them this "You have failed. We are not afraid of you." 

MP Penny Low caught looking down at handphone when National Anthem was played

I am sure many people have heard of this incident. At the National Day Parade yesterday, when the National Anthem was being played, MP Penny Low was seen to be looking down at her handphone instead of standing at attention.

This is an utter disgrace to Singapore.

During the playing of the National Anthem, everyone is to stand at attention. We have been taught this since the beginning of primary school. Nobody is any exception to this case, especially the leaders of Singapore. Nothing is so important that it must be done even when the National Anthem is playing. Standing at attention when the National Anthem is playing is a respect to the nation. MP Penny Low's actions simply go to show her blatant disrespect for Singapore. As a leader of Singapore, she should supposedly be "more country-loving" then the common citizens of Singapore, yet if the common citizens of Singapore can stand at attention instead of checking their phones out when the National Anthem is played, I do not see why she could not.

Many citizens have complained about her actions online, criticizing her as being disrespectful to Singapore, some even calling for her resignation from her job as a politician. In view of all these events, MP Penny Low released a message on Facebook, stating this:

"I was so caught up in the wonderful NDP 2011 and felt so proud of being a Singaporean, that I wanted to capture that moment of pride, at the very tail end of the anthem, to share on FB with my residents. If in my enthusiasm i offended anyone, please accept my apologies. NDP is a time to unite not divide. Majulah Singapura!"

Of course, not many of us believe the excuse she gave. Many citizens see it as an attempt to save her skin. However, speaking the truth or not, the way she talks really infuriates me. Let us break it down this way:

She claims that she was so, so so proud of Singapore that she wanted to share this moment with her residents. We give her the benefit of doubt in this case, that she was really doing so, as she said. However, she does not know where her priorities lie! Better said, she failed to "Do the right thing at the right time." 

Let me provide you with an analogy: several workers are having a meeting with the boss in a conference room, with several other colleagues. Of course, the boss expects you to listen to him when he is talking. However, instead of listening to him, a worker is quietly doing some office work.
Do you think the worker is right? NO! Do you think he should have been doing work at that time? NO!
Now, lets say the worker claims "I was so caught up in doing my work, for the sake of the company, that I failed to concentrate on your talk."
Then, this worker still fails to get his priorities straight. So what if you truly are? Different times call for different actions! Especially for MP Penny Low, a POLITICIAN needs to really get her priorities right. If she cannot do the right thing at the right time, does she even have the capability of being a politician? Of being one of the country's leaders?

Next, I move on to the next sentence: "If in my enthusiasm i offended anyone, please accept my apologies. NDP is a time to unite not divide.". Enthusiasm is what we all should have in NDP: a pride for Singapore. Now, she is using this "pride", that she has, as an excuse for using her handphone. It is an atrocity, to even consider this enthusiasm as the root cause for her mistake. Does it mean that, just because I possess this enthusiasm, I will be so muddle headed as to commit such a mistake? Furthermore, does she expect us to feel bad for criticizing her? She is plainly saying "Why are you criticizing me? I did it because I was enthusiastic!" she tells us that she was more enthusiastic then us, because she was not doing the right thing at the right time. I am purely disgusted. She is insulting the enthusiasm that Singaporeans have on National Day. It can even be seen as a further disrespect to Singapore.

After that, she even says "NDP is a time to unite not divide." Now, this statement is trying to tell us "Stop criticizing me, you are also in the wrong for doing so." Excuse me? The last time I remembered, it was MP Penny Low at fault. Is she "criticizing us for criticizing her"? She is at fault now, so who is she to give lectures to others if she already deserves one?

To end it off, I say to all Singaporeans: this message from MP Penny Low, however it already seems to be very apologetic, is in truth extremely far from sincere. If she was sincere, she would not have given her "enthusiasm" as an excuse.

Leaders are to set an example for your people. If you can't even do that, how do we as citizens look up to you? Even worse, how will other countries look at us when they hear of this? I urge leaders to watch the way they act in public, and even more importantly, to the people: choose leaders who really love the country.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

World Cup Qualifier

Recently, Singapore played Malaysia in 2 games of soccer, for the World Cup Qualifier. One was played in Singapore, in which Singapore won 5 -3, and the other in Malaysia, in which the score was 1-1. Thus overall Singapore won, and went into the next round.

However, there are arising issues about the game that was played at Malaysia. Firstly, it was shown that some Malaysian fans attempted to blind the goalkeeper by shining a laser into his eye.

Secondly, many who watched the match must agree that the referee was extremely biased; many times Malaysian players tackled Singaporean players, but they were only counted as a foul; whereas when Singaporean players tackled Malaysian players, they were instantly given a yellow card.

Thirdly, at the Malaysian stadium, Singaporean fans were called "Singaporean dogs" by Malaysian fans, and were thrown bottles at by them.

Even after the game, there were many disputes. For example, several Malaysian fans took a Singaporean flag and defiled it by writing the words "LOOSER" on it.

Then,  the Singapore website "Singapore Cars Online" , was hacked into by Malaysian hackers, and they told us to  "go to hell".

The Malaysian newspaper Sinar Harian even wrote an article, claiming that "Singaporean players act too much".

Now I shall briefly describe what I feel about this:
When I first saw this pictures, I was extremely angry, and I thought to myself; why doesn't Singapore just break of ties with Malaysia? Look how they call us dogs, defile our national flag and write badly about us! However, when I cooled down, I started to realize that I was thinking haphazardly. I shall now state what I realized after thinking it through carefully.

I shall firstly state that, these Malaysians who acted so extremely in this situation, does not represent the whole of Malaysia. I urge all Singaporeans not to hate the whole of Malaysia just because of these few black sheep. I am sure many Malaysians themselves are appalled with the fact that their fellow countrymen acted so rashly.

On another note, you can show these pictures to foreigners; people who are not from Singapore or Malaysia. Everyone will look down on Malaysia! Malaysia cheated (laser), failed to win, and now try to insult us! This is what we call "Sore losers"! Foreigners will look down on them for their lack of sportsmanship, but will instead respect Singapore for their forgiving side. When foreigners see Malaysia and Singapore working together, despite Malaysia's many insults to Singapore, they will say: "Wow, Singapore is truly forgiving!" "A model country, to learn from." Those who are encouraging Singapore to cut ties with Malaysia, I urge you to think about this.

I am sure many of you have asked the question: Why is it that only Malaysians do this? When playing against other countries, situations of these sorts have never arisen. Why is it that it only happens with Malaysia?

Perhaps some of you might remember a case that took place a while ago: two women were travelling to Johor Bahru, and in a fingerprint scan confusion, they were detained and forced to do squats while naked. In the end, she was only given a warning and sent back to Singapore. The Malaysian police did not have to go to such extremes measures, but they did. They attempted to humiliate and shame the Singapore women.

Some people may say it is due to jealousy, that we fared so much better than Malaysia after independence. They are partially correct.

This is the root of the problem:

The press in Malaysia.
I am sure many Malaysians felt that Singaporeans were playing with sportsmanship. However, as the press influenced them, they slowly believed that we were "cheating" and they felt that it was okay to blame us.

The root of the problem is the Malaysian press.
The Malaysian press, which of course is under the power of the Malaysian Government, prints articles that tell  Malaysians all the bad things about us. And probably, as most people say, it is jealousy.

I urge the Malaysians: Do not believe in everything you read in the newspapers or everything you hear in the news! Reason for yourselves what is true and what is not. Do not be led blindly by a certain mindset, try to see things from different perspectives.

Finally, I end off with this: What the Malaysian press is doing, is to hurt its reputation in the world. The world sees these issues the clearest; they know who is at fault. As we have the Chinese saying:  旁观者清. I hope that these few black sheep amongst Malaysians can see that all they are doing are hurting their reputation in the world.