Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who really won?

Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011, when US Navy SEALS stormed the compound he was living in and killed him in a gunfight. This was a significant victory; everyone came out of their homes to celebrate his death.

However, recently there was an article ( ). 10 years after the horrible 9/11 attacks, who actually won: America or Osama Bin Laden? 

Most people feel that America lost. Some reasons why include the problematic Iraq War, homeland security, and other issues. And yes, there is substantial evidence that bin Laden got what he wanted. After the 9/11 attacks, bin Laden predicted that America would be involved in a war that would result in financial problems, a loss of credibility and loss of individual rights. And yes, these problems are already starting to show. Some people even interpret it in this way: bin Laden wanted to destroy America, yes, but he knew he could not do it himself, or even with Al- Qaeda. 9/11 was the pave the way for America's self destruction.

However, I have my own opinion about this matter. America is fighting a war, in this case, with terrorists. And, we know this famous quote: "No one wins a war." Yes, there can never be gain in a war. What is the most precious thing in all of the universe? A human life. None of the riches in the world can replace a human life. No matter how much gains a country can make from fighting a war, the end result is always casualties and loss of lives. Perhaps terrorists groups feel they have won because they treasure the aim of their mission more than others, and it does not matter to them that they lost a brother or a close friend in the course of this mission. However, I maintain my stand that a life is the most precious thing in the world, nothing else can compensate for it.

So, my conclusion once again: nobody won, neither the terrorists nor America.

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