Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Oslo Attacks

About a month ago, Anders Behring Breivik planted a bomb outside a government building, killing 8 people, and later shot and killed 69 people at a youth camp. The reason given for this was that he wanted to stop Muslims from coming to Europe.

In my opinion, this is simply another act of terrorism. Breivik is just another terrorist. The only thing that makes him stand out is that he is a "Christian terrorist". Most terrorists in the world are of Islamic belief, whereas he is opposed to Muslims. This makes him stand out.

However, this is a very dangerous thing. Before this incident, we only had Islamic terrorism. However, Breivik's actions could possibly become the "starting point" for "Christian terrorism" - a form of terrorism that is opposed to Islamic terrorism. If these two forms of terrorism go on, perhaps it might ultimately result in World War 3.

Perhaps I am thinking too far, but this is a point to consider.

Another debatable topic would be his penalty. Despite having killed 77 people altogether, he might just escape death penalty due to Norway's abolishment of the death penalty in peacetime. Many people say that an exception should be made to put him to death. However, I disagree with it. A law is a law. Norway would not be giving Breivik proper justice if they chose to put him to death.

I am sure that Norway will begin to work more on its security standards. The fact that Breivik managed to plant a bomb outside a government building shows the lack of security in Norway. To prevent such incidents from happening, all countries should tighten their security.

Lastly, to all people: do not be daunted by these acts of terrorism. Do not fear, do not cower. To do so is to show the terrorists that they have won. Their aim is "terror". We must stand strong, in retaliation to the terrorists. To stand strong, is to tell them this "You have failed. We are not afraid of you." 

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