Tuesday, August 16, 2011

England Riots

The start of the England Riots came in response to mainly the death of Mike Duggan, who was killed by police. In addition to that, the rioters were rioting about the economic crisis, resulting in poverty and unemployment. The initially peaceful protest soon turned into a violent riot, with much destruction throughout Britain.

I feel the actions of these violent rioters are the cause of what we term "ethical egoism". These rioters burned and looted shops and houses. They were doing it out of spite, out of anger, just to appease themselves. The actions of these rioters would ultimately result in a even greater economic crisis.

Let us take the death of Mike Duggan as an example: the rioters seek justice for this man, who is believed by many to be wrongfully killed. There are many conflicting views in this case; perhaps we will never know what actually went on that day he was killed, but let us assume Mike Duggan was really wronged in this case:
You seek justice for Mike Duggan, but when you get the justice you want through such means, how will you provide justice to those injured or killed in the riot? Apologies if this is rude, but I would really like to say this: Would you risk the lives of many just to save one life? Of course not! Then why can't you do it in this case; instead that in this case the one life is replaced by justice? 

I would like to say this to the rioters of England: Why are you doing this? Why are you rioting as such when you know that it will produce nothing good but even more trouble? Many of you are just creating more problems when solving a problem, and probably you do not even realize it yourself. I hope that you reflect on yourselves: remember your aim in mind. Do not let your heart rule your head.

Truly, I am sure many of the youths in England do not even know how the riot was started, or maybe even the aim of the riot. They are just joining the riot because it is fun, or because many of their friends are. This we call  "sheep thinking".

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